
MADISON, Wis. – Rebecca Kleefisch and Tim Michels both have radical agendas for education that will slash funding from neighborhood public schools, encourage parents to sue schools over books they don’t like, and raise Wisconsin property taxes.

As lieutenant governor, Kleefisch had a storied history of gutting public education funding. In 2011 alone, the Walker-Kleefisch administration cut over $800 million from public education in Wisconsin and limited localities’ abilities to collect revenue in order to make up the difference. Kleefisch also backed policies that led to a historic teacher shortage in the state. Today, her plans remain similarly divisive – slash funding from public schools, break up Milwaukee Public Schools, and support a bill that would invite parents to sue schools.

Tim Michels agenda for public education is equally radical. At a recent debate, Michels went as far to say that continued investment in public education is “the definition of insanity.” Michels also doubled down on his support for slashing funds from neighborhood public schools and directing them toward a plan that could raise property taxes by hundreds of millions. If elected, Michels also plans to invite parents to sue schools and he’s previously admitted that he had not been to a school board meeting in his district in the last year. Tim Michels is not only wrong on Wisconsin schools, he has no idea what families want to see.

As a former educator, Governor Evers will always do the right thing for kids, parents, and education – including vetoing a dangerous bill earlier this year that would’ve allowed guns on school grounds. Gov. Evers has funded public schools at their highest level in nearly two decades, and signed the first special education funding increase in a decade. Today, Wisconsin’s education system is now ranked eighth in the nation, up from eighteenth under the prior administration.

“Rebecca Kleefisch and Tim Michels both have radical ideas on public education and would slash funding from public schools and invite more division into our communities,” said Democratic Party of Wisconsin Rapid Response Director Hannah Menchhoff. “Wisconsin deserves a governor who will work with parents, teachers, and students to deliver the best public education possible, which is why Wisconsinites will re-elect Governor Evers.”

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